  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Hi there my lovers, this is Light, your Poet and Spiritual Speaker. 💋💕☁️
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Комментарии • 1,3 тыс.

  • @tsmart._1
    @tsmart._1 26 дней назад +3

    Love, light

  • @MarkHest
    @MarkHest 25 дней назад +16

    It's easy to work with your shadow self once you realize that all of your negativity comes from our inner demons. You stop letting them have a hold over your mind and emotions once you analyze your mind before acting on a thought or reacts on an event.
    Like: "Is this how I truly feel?" Or "Where is that impulse comming from, and why can't i let it go?"
    If you randomly start thinking things or feeling negative emotions without being able to stop them, you most likely have a negative entity trying to control who you are.
    It's a good thing to ask your guardians and angels for protection against these entities. Also, analyzing your thoughts and clearing all negative mindsets will help not letting these demons in.
    I usually just ignore all my negative impulses and reactions because I know it's not comming from me.
    This i learned from battling demons in my head for over 15 years.

    • @jzkramer
      @jzkramer 10 дней назад +1

      If you randomly start thinking things or feeling negative emotions without being able to stop them, it is because you haven't learnt how to discipline your mind. The mind is a terrible master, but a wonderful servant, so you have to learn to calm your mind, it is essential.

    • @empressaquaempath
      @empressaquaempath 5 дней назад

      ​@jzkramer exactly what I was thinking. if one is doing the work , when something arises you know you can stop it immediately. you know you're protected bc u daily work. ❤

    • @rodicapepescu4599
      @rodicapepescu4599 5 дней назад

      ​@@jzkramernope, demons are demons and your ego is a different thing..

  • @ErikMORENO-d7s
    @ErikMORENO-d7s 28 дней назад +7

    She carried on my Mother's Wickedness

  • @mashione
    @mashione 26 дней назад +7

    It was a group, entire community, they all tried to keep me in a low vibrational state by doing evil abuses and treating me like trash to them syphon the energy it produced, then they cloaked themselves in my energy and tried to transfer all their karma onto me, real devious, 100s of ppl in on it.

  • @rashiawalton9541
    @rashiawalton9541 Месяц назад +44

    We are not victims we are victors. Keep shining light!

    • @bigdaqofficial
      @bigdaqofficial 3 дня назад

      This is what my addiction treatment center, Bridgeway, taught to me. To a T. We went to a camp called Camp Respawn, where the transmutation of victim to victor was a huge them*/a literal message they gave. They said those exact words. I later on won a nationwidemusic contest with them, got tickets to the grammy awards and essentially became locally famous for 2 days lol. I was on the news, Congratulations by Post Malone reminds me of that time in my life.
      I would say I've spent a lot of my life in a reversing victim mentality, one of denial, like imposter syndrome, self-sabotage; but victory is more becoming of our souls.
      The abuse I encountered happened at age 13. It was a person I knew, which only made it an association with a true relationship in my mind. I will forgive, but never forget. Sort of like karmic repression, and suddenly it comes through as karmic dysregulatory stress, which is a form of karmic retribution.
      I know my inner circle had people on many levels different than mine, this does not necessarily make them bad, or wrong. It simply means their energy is derived from nearby, and needs to find new ties internally for them.
      I think the answer is open-ended. We will all continue our journey together.
      God will carry us through, stand tall.
      Edit: A huge theme*

  • @AngelicJourney8169
    @AngelicJourney8169 Месяц назад +50

    This earth angel also has free will. And I am not going to take back anybody from my past! Because they hurt me, betrayed me, did so much to manifest and steal from me that I am so betrayed I would never ever go back to a past person, so I’m gonna pray to the most high to help me understand because I have options now. I’ve worked the last nine months of my life to ascend to a new timeline, and I am not taking back anyone from my past. I have options now!! Yippee!

  • @WrathfulAngel64-sx5if
    @WrathfulAngel64-sx5if 16 дней назад +5

    Your light was irritating my demons. I used to listen to your channel and fell off for a while. I sat with a guru, and he gave me ayahuasca, and i purged this enitity.
    There is no irritation when I listen to you now! I love it!

  • @LiluAlchemyEmporium
    @LiluAlchemyEmporium 26 дней назад +24

    "Witchcraft can only work so long as we suppress our shadow."

    • @tokofukawap4055
      @tokofukawap4055 18 дней назад +3

      Almost every witch would agree that you have to accept your shadow as part of the craft lmfao. What?

    • @scienceofthemagi9750
      @scienceofthemagi9750 16 дней назад

      Yes. It's similar to hypnosis. Only works if your dark wolf wins. But darkness is only powerful. Until its a fact. And facts are 1 with light which is 1 with love.

    • @scienceofthemagi9750
      @scienceofthemagi9750 16 дней назад

      All forms of Darkness. Is only powerful. Until its a undeniable facts. And facts are one with the light. Which is one with the love and light of the all

    • @scienceofthemagi9750
      @scienceofthemagi9750 16 дней назад

      ​​@@tokofukawap4055so any witches reached resurrection magic yet. Or should mages just keep that to themselves.. what?

  • @carolinenortonkennedy
    @carolinenortonkennedy Месяц назад +25

    “because you are who god says you are.” ♥️
    they can’t access us. ✝️

  • @SavenRaven
    @SavenRaven 23 дня назад +5

    “God is needed the most in the darkest places” amen, Christ came to save the lost. Find God, Find self, darkness turns to light.

  • @InfiniteLoveforEarth
    @InfiniteLoveforEarth 13 дней назад

    Dear LIGHT,
    You are a real light to this world. Your intution is a gift feom heavens. God blessed you and will blesss you for the path you illuminate for the lightworkers in dark.
    Thank you from bottom of my heart.

  • @celestialmajiik
    @celestialmajiik 17 дней назад +3

    “A cult of roaches” 😭😂 I immediately subscribed 🤣

  • @passionneverfails7421
    @passionneverfails7421 25 дней назад +1

    20:44 thank you for saying all of that. To the people it resonates with as myself, what you said runs so much deeper than can be imagined if you have not experienced that type of pain. Thank you as always! ❤

    @ISISOSIRIS999 25 дней назад +3

    Queen NEFERTITI is here thank u for this

  • @passionneverfails7421
    @passionneverfails7421 26 дней назад +1

    Thank you, thank you thank you. I cannot say it enough! You have said so clearly exactly what I have been experiencing over the past six years! Your message helps more than you could ever imagine!

  • @thebhavseawarrior
    @thebhavseawarrior Месяц назад +7

    Everyone stay humble considering yourself a chosen one is another trap of Simulation, stay free of your personal emotions and Meet god every day . ❤️

    • @ctwinkie0826
      @ctwinkie0826 8 дней назад

      Thank you for saying this!!!

    • @empressaquaempath
      @empressaquaempath 5 дней назад

      I think i understand but is there any way you could clarify please? namaste

    • @rodicapepescu4599
      @rodicapepescu4599 5 дней назад

      ​@@empressaquaempathPeople are tempted to believe they are among the chosen ones, because it makes them feel important and purposeful. But thinking is not enough, it is a lot more to being a chosen one. Chosen ones have been chosen before birth, meaning they go thru training, trials and tribulations since they are in the womb, and it never stops, their lives are extraordinary not because they live wonderful lives, on the contrary, those lives are a battlefield for good and evil, they are constantly attacked, people try to tare them part spiritually and physically, especially the ones close to them family and friends, they are betrayed laughed at minimized reduced to nothing they are the black sheep the ones everyone hates and wants to hurt or kill, with no true relationships no partner no family and almost to nothing in the material world. These are the real chosen ones, the ones who are not defeated even though they have nothing left, only millions of souls hating on them because the masses were manipulated, tricked to do so, by evil while they have no clue what they are doing and whom they are hating on..
      My advice for anyone, you shouldn't want to be something you don't have spiritual training for, and I'm not talking about this life. God bless 🙏🙏

  • @erikpalmquistwashedcleanby3512
    @erikpalmquistwashedcleanby3512 27 дней назад +2

    This is the most amazing message and poignant you are wise beyond your years...

  • @isabellaromero2144
    @isabellaromero2144 Месяц назад +3

    15:55 is when this video affected my physiology. Jaw on the floor. Thank you sister❤

  • @LauraJG4God22
    @LauraJG4God22 27 дней назад +1

    19:00 Wow that's prob the best description I've heard. SUPERSTAR 🌟
    I'm emotional listening to another Warrior 😢❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @FlintSky
    @FlintSky 25 дней назад +4

    0:26 omg your HAIR IS BEAUTIFUL

  • @yolandamichele1
    @yolandamichele1 Месяц назад +32

    When you know, you know. Yes, u said everything! 🎯
    ✌🏼 & ❤

  • @rolovibes4504
    @rolovibes4504 28 дней назад +1

    Your Strength Shines L I G H T in All The Dark Places.. Much Luv Miss...

  • @shakAfg
    @shakAfg Месяц назад +2

    You know the strange thing is I dont want them to be in any kind of pain at all, especially the pain they put me in, i just want them to be happy. I would take that pain over and over again if I knew it would mean their happiness. Come to think of it maybe its not strange but pure love I have for them.

  • @carmen172
    @carmen172 22 дня назад +1

    I am crying feeling this so deeply like you’re talking to me…today has been a very divinely timed kind of day and this is really hitting me hard. Thank you for this message!! 🫶🏼🙏🏽🫶🏼

    • @carmen172
      @carmen172 22 дня назад

      ….ok, I had to replay this and this entire day and all you are saying is really starting to connect a lot of dots for me. I can’t thank you enough and all that has transpired today has been Divinely timed and it’s really hitting me hard. I feel things strongly, but this message right here hits harder than anything I can recall hearing IN MY LIFE. 🫶🏼🙏🏽🫶🏼

  • @BasilMedina-z3q
    @BasilMedina-z3q 29 дней назад +1

    Got Me over here cryin' like a BIAAAAA! Damn Woman.....Ur 2 TAPPED IN!

  • @JakeCellarer
    @JakeCellarer Месяц назад +19

    A double-agent, soulmate, and karmic. Heck! Life is stranger than fiction. Blessings!

  • @Dennis-bj1qp
    @Dennis-bj1qp 27 дней назад +2

    Thank you for your very brave openess It's not easy I know this well. Processing of shadow and acceptance of what can be and usually is lifelong struggles against potentially very deep darkness is what people need to see. And examples of ways out. I don't have to say exactly the depths and heights I know, perhaps any more than u need to. You speak of ground you have covered with beautiful authority. This was my first time being led to your channel, I can see why

  • @CarlSpeir-m5z
    @CarlSpeir-m5z Месяц назад +4

    I see a pure Soul who has Risen above that which you now understand .In this I see a Trueheart and a Beautiful Soul..

  • @the.soul.archetype
    @the.soul.archetype Месяц назад +2

    I see you too. I’ve listened for quite some time and I just want you to know how much I appreciate your light and the light you spread. They are different. Both equally beautiful and powerful. Bless you. Don’t ever stop shining. A true queen reborn. My question is do you know what soul you are?

  • @Salux.Malmis.369
    @Salux.Malmis.369 29 дней назад +4

    No *PAIN* no *GAIN*
    Light and shadow are just two opposite sides of the same coin.

  • @lolitafarniente
    @lolitafarniente 29 дней назад +1

    Thank you Light, for this revelation..
    I have been confused for so long and you have unravelled all those mysteries and secrets that i have unknowingly endured,much Love💕

  • @AmeliaAnong-m4s7i
    @AmeliaAnong-m4s7i Месяц назад +3

    Thanks for the confirmation... Just keep moving forward... God bless you sister.

  • @AyannaWalkerCordero
    @AyannaWalkerCordero 19 дней назад +2

    You are intelligent. God has gifted you with knowledge wisdom and understanding from on high. It’s a pleasure watching your videos. Thank you for allowing God to use you to bring truth 💜

  • @jonell2295
    @jonell2295 Месяц назад +3

    18:38 suffering and pain are so welcome to me, even before I read the Bible yo, ever since I have started reading it my life makes soooo much more sense, because the way I live is written in the living words in the bible, hallelujah, I love the way God just puts everything together 😍😇🥰 and has had His hand on me before I even knew He was there.

  • @BryanChew-d1p
    @BryanChew-d1p 20 дней назад +2

    Amen and all glory to: GOD OF ALL CREATIONS.

  • @fwuffyfriends8746
    @fwuffyfriends8746 Месяц назад +3

    I love being called a pretty gentleman, thank you! And Thank You for Everything that You do❤

  • @suzyharthcock7913
    @suzyharthcock7913 16 дней назад +1

    I do not spend my precious time in judging others, as I that is God’s job, I pray and try to forgive those who do me harm, and go where he sends me. Sending love and tenderest light, love, and gratitude to all. Thank you, dear Light for your hard work.💜😘🕊️😍🌞🌛🦋🪷🙏🏻

  • @andrewkraz7868
    @andrewkraz7868 22 дня назад +3

    I ABSOLUTELY adore this channel. So grateful 🙏 🌻🕊

  • @Ianto-tv3fg
    @Ianto-tv3fg 29 дней назад +2

    Light & Love, Mama Light xxx

  • @MalikFromJersey
    @MalikFromJersey Месяц назад +10

    I can see the hurt/anger in your eyes, idk if you’ll see this but I wanna say. You’re incredibly strong to be able to witness the things you do and overcame. I will intercede on your behalf. You deserve to be appreciated.

  • @rickshepard2313
    @rickshepard2313 Месяц назад +1


  • @jesusisking9131
    @jesusisking9131 25 дней назад +2

    Amen Amen.. Yes the devil is a lie. I am able and highly favored. I thank my heavenly father for. Showing me things. 🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️

  • @AetherVeritas
    @AetherVeritas 17 дней назад +1

    I learned the language of the Angels,
    To hear from them,
    What it was they had to say.
    I sought, the form of thought,
    That lives inside archetypal mind..
    To find the things,
    Of which,
    our thoughts are made..

  • @GodwinObaje-g8e
    @GodwinObaje-g8e Месяц назад +3

    Thank you Lord for fighting my battle and making me victorious 🙏
    Thank you for using me as your light🕯️ that shine in the dark 🌑 and thank you for putting every negative energy to shame 🙏.
    Thank you for connecting me to this channel to receive this GREAT GLORY and thank you for the life of your messenger LIGHT 🕯️🙏
    Impact her with more WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE to deliver your massage to the right people and impact positive energy into her life amen 🙏.
    Thank you LIGHT for this beautiful reading. Yes I'm about to receive God's GLORY AND I AM A COMMANDER. I'm so happy this is coming at this time.

  • @Captivatingwon
    @Captivatingwon 16 дней назад +1

    From the top of my head to the tips of my toes ..... I tingled.. immensely🥰 Light, you really are a blessing to myself and others. You've been instrumental in my growth. We are the light ❤

  • @euancameron4997
    @euancameron4997 Месяц назад +4

    Love you Light, thinking of you always

  • @kbbh4643
    @kbbh4643 4 дня назад

    Whenever there was a real bad emotional event, i asked Jesus when the evil wolf was whispering in my ear, the bad ppl were all around me all the time in my own house i had let them in and this was right after my spouse of 30 years had passed, i was so vulnerable and wished for my own passing, maybe thats why my "person" has been silent, you have such an incredible gift young lady, thank you for explaining my story

  • @mikan576
    @mikan576 Месяц назад +3

    Whoah ❤ I had chills ❤ thank you so much

  • @jodiburnett6211
    @jodiburnett6211 29 дней назад +1

    So tired of low-life people.
    Thanks for the confirmation.
    It’s a THEM problem.
    No weapon formed against me shall prosper.

    • @jzkramer
      @jzkramer 10 дней назад

      Better to understand why you're attracting them, then make the adjustment and they will cease to enter your sphere. Everything out there in the world is.a reflection of what's going on in here in the mind.

  • @cecil7210
    @cecil7210 25 дней назад +2

    That's deep and makes sense it's unusually somewhat relevant. Strangely applicable which makes it incredible. Surviving and coexisting is apparently quite messy. Balance throughout a whole is significant. Instincts and acting natural isn't a crime. Spiritual I reckon is judgement of what's good or deemed unjust or unacceptable. I feel you and I does my best to be my sisters and brothers keeper. Check you later

  • @lionizedlamb5178
    @lionizedlamb5178 Месяц назад +14

    She sees it EXACTLY for what it is and this is why im glued to her reading. This includes the sentiments, sensations, down to the nuances. Hats off! 👏

  • @LoPaz199
    @LoPaz199 Месяц назад +1

    She is going into the new phase. Aquarius.. There wiill be turmoils initially associated with this change. Preparation was part of the mission that failed. Obviously the Divinity is fighting for her so she must be ascending and learn lessons. Holy Spirot noursished that heart. That experience will be hard to forget and it is a good foundation. But, man,. they are evil. Hey, it's in the hands of justice now, Holy Spirit, after 5 years, cut the soul cord on full moon 2-11-25. Over and out. I have to ascend myself. Brw, thank you Holy Spirit for the two miracles today, I am humbled by your grace!

  • @courtneyawalsh
    @courtneyawalsh Месяц назад +12

    “Spiritual cruelty.” Very real.

  • @edwinaristondo1092
    @edwinaristondo1092 26 дней назад +1

    I know this isn’t related to the video at all. But you are a human manifestation of beautiful. Inside and out. I think you’re cute physically and spiritually.

  • @werisetogether1
    @werisetogether1 25 дней назад +4

    Amen Sister, God's glory is here and it is purifying the realms.

  • @LauraJG4God22
    @LauraJG4God22 27 дней назад +1

    14:53 Yes we are beautiful soul. ❤
    Sending love light and blessings from my heart to you and yours ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @InnerMostFlame
    @InnerMostFlame Месяц назад +3

    Thank you, Light, I needed to to hear this. May God bless you and shower you with many blessings.🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤

  • @rashaunrodriguez
    @rashaunrodriguez 28 дней назад +2

    Thank You! May Love and Light keep Guiding your Way❤

  • @lacewithlove5930
    @lacewithlove5930 Месяц назад +4

    Love you beautiful light ❤❤❤

  • @dianawolfe9694
    @dianawolfe9694 Месяц назад +2

    That last comment “ deserving of pain”. I was so defensive at first. I was a child slave in a horrible foster home for 5 years. Later beaten badly by a lover for years, foster homes instead of family… business hacked.. divinely protected ( you know that) and no spells work on me.Gang stalked and things taken and left in my home and damaged done for decades so saying I @deserve” pain, well I think of someone saying Jesus “ deserved” pain. It was so others could later learn that he was only a man that let the HOLY SPIRIT of THE LOVE OF GOD WORK IN HIS LIFE. And as the word says . His followers will do the things he did AND MORE! I don’t go to church and believe in ONE GOD and there is one truth running through all religions called ❤️ LOVE. And you soul sister are an oracle also. You often confirm what I already know. Your gift of speaking is utterly amazing. 🎉❤😢🎉

  • @marilinemorales1042
    @marilinemorales1042 27 дней назад +3

    Hi' young lady ✨💕 if God brought me back to this world it must be for a reason ... Sending love and blessings 💗🙇🏻‍♀️🌱🙏🏼

  • @QuantumCreatrix88
    @QuantumCreatrix88 Месяц назад +3

    That last part of your message ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 huge confirmation. Thank you

  • @billionaire33
    @billionaire33 24 дня назад

    3:36 to 4:36 is so powerful I had to stop the car. This man appreciates you.

  • @userbridgetshareen1977
    @userbridgetshareen1977 Месяц назад +4

    Light ,you are a survivor , like all of us , keep in it your head you already survived it.

    • @thesource.within
      @thesource.within Месяц назад +1

      Love this. 💚💜 🎆 We have broken through!

  • @JDiZ55
    @JDiZ55 28 дней назад +2

    Its amazing how you articulate aspects of my lifes journey so well and accurately. ❤ beautiful

  • @kyra5858
    @kyra5858 Месяц назад +14

    THANK YOU ! I just lived it one hour ago. My boss shouted at me. He changed his facade while I thought he was like me. He just played a fake vibe the first time we met. Now I saw his true colors

  • @Randal-s8l
    @Randal-s8l 25 дней назад +1

    Thank you, God. I love you, God. My heart is with you God always and forever.

  • @YolandaLur
    @YolandaLur Месяц назад +74

    Happy fruitful year, I’m glad within the next week I'll be 10k left to completely paying my off 500k debt.

    • @YolandaLur
      @YolandaLur Месяц назад +1

      its luck, it's me just being
      the right place at the right time. I met a
      financial and trading consultant at a
      seminar back at Los Angeles later last
      year, where she was featured and
      interviewed and I reached out to her
      afterwards. I didn't know much about
      trading and investing so I spoke to her
      about it, she then later introduced me to
      her platform where I and other people
      could invest.

    • @YolandaLur
      @YolandaLur Месяц назад +1

      Since then she has since
      provide entry and exit points on the
      securities I focus on. You can look her up
      online if you care supervision. I basically
      follow her trade pattern and haven't
      regretted doing so

    • @Alexrobertoz
      @Alexrobertoz Месяц назад +1


    • @YolandaLur
      @YolandaLur Месяц назад +1

      Her name is Mrs Mary Elizabeth Webb….. ✅✅

    • @YolandaLur
      @YolandaLur Месяц назад


  • @peterwinzeler2935
    @peterwinzeler2935 28 дней назад +2

    yes thank you. I’ve been feeling the change of something breaking. For a long time I felt like someone was stealing my life my fire my love

  • @giananoel008
    @giananoel008 Месяц назад +19

    Thank you, you are helping me just as much as reading books on mindBloomery. I couldn't believe how the shift in mindset can make your life significantly better.

  • @vernonbowie2082
    @vernonbowie2082 Месяц назад +18

    No, you are not a victim, you are Victorious 😊

    • @Prizm-u2i
      @Prizm-u2i 21 день назад +1

      Survivors Victorious💜🩵💙💚

    • @MarcelinoFloresJr
      @MarcelinoFloresJr 9 дней назад

      Well said Mike hest unless u jest witch isn't good to do w god

  • @Kameronsmith-js9ju
    @Kameronsmith-js9ju Месяц назад +4

    Thanks giggles 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚

  • @shade99deaths
    @shade99deaths 18 дней назад

    And as God said no weapon formed against you shall prosper I love you wildflower

  • @silhouettetarot
    @silhouettetarot Месяц назад +7

    Thank you for being so vulnerable

  • @rowanmedea
    @rowanmedea 25 дней назад

    Never seen any of your videos before but I seen and felt so much through this message and it all resonated with me.
    Wow I've never had anyone see or know so much of what I've been dealing with from family and others since I was a child! Thank you I appreciate you Light!

  • @MrYoung627
    @MrYoung627 Месяц назад +7

    Thank you for standing up for us love…

  • @didipanda5562
    @didipanda5562 Месяц назад +1

    Thank you so much for this revelation and it really makes sense

  • @Mrdax-u7o
    @Mrdax-u7o Месяц назад +7

    We are going to see God's glory!!!! Other people are feeling gods wrath, absolutely no joke. Much love divine ✨️ thank you lord❤ 🙏 amen 🙏 🙌 ❤️

  • @fantasyb66
    @fantasyb66 Месяц назад +2

    Straight on point. I spoke this out loud yesterday and earlier today especially in my solitude. And I may have had to endure so much but I was built for it and way before I got here I built it and I am very grateful to be awakened now. I still have my moments but I love God (Life) and God Me (Aspect of Life that I Am). We stay on point.

  • @letthesunshinethru2355
    @letthesunshinethru2355 Месяц назад +3

    This is the energy of transmutation. And it can be instant.

  • @StarseedUp
    @StarseedUp Месяц назад +4

    Somebody’s telling all cult tings !! They don’t no who it isssss 😂 😂

  • @didymos2200
    @didymos2200 Месяц назад +2

    Awesome baby! Just love it, this is not the fake "love and light" bullshit that is everywhere. This is the sweet, sweet stuff...🔥
    Keep going!

  • @Smith-Oliver
    @Smith-Oliver Месяц назад +35

    I was stuck in the same cycle- attracting the wrong people, feeling frustrated and not knowing why. Book Red Vibration by Keezano gave me the wake up call I needed. It helped me understand attraction in a way I never had before. I made a few key changes, and suddenly, I started attracting the right kind of people. That’s how I met my soulmate, this book seriously changed my life🙏🏼

  • @andreacastillo499
    @andreacastillo499 21 день назад +2

    I'm tired of waking up. The life I got dealt is really really passing me off.

    • @jzkramer
      @jzkramer 10 дней назад

      The higher you climb the steeper the grade, keep climbing you'll get there. Where? Here.

  • @RoyaLLoyal33
    @RoyaLLoyal33 Месяц назад +4

    A Double Agent and A Soul Mate? 😂😂 Wow!!
    Thank you LIGHT❤❤

  • @marcorizzi5856
    @marcorizzi5856 21 день назад +2

    Karma..justice…and truth …no one escapes …❤❤❤ God is Real…

    • @scienceofthemagi9750
      @scienceofthemagi9750 16 дней назад

      So true.
      Those that finish first. Will actually finish last. & those that finish last. Will actually finish first. Equilibrium

  • @TruthWillprevail13
    @TruthWillprevail13 Месяц назад +5

    💕🖤Father God. I seem to bear the weight of the world on my shoulders as a single mom, I often face challenges that can seem insurmountable especially with raising two children with special needs. I feel so helpless. I’m trying to balance everything but Lord I’m struggling to make ends meet, to pay bills, and to put food on the table for my children. HEAVENLY FATHER Thank you for giving ME strength to keep going.

  • @LucilleRivers-hg6bi
    @LucilleRivers-hg6bi 24 дня назад

    Thank You.
    They ALL will certainly reap what theyve Sown!!!
    For the public to view!

  • @ankhnum
    @ankhnum Месяц назад +7

    Wow! Such a profound channel Light.

  • @TheJoushua
    @TheJoushua 25 дней назад +2

    Sister. You. Are. Very. Brilliant. Indeed. Your. Enthussim. Is. Very. Contagious. For. Your. Young. Age. Thank. You. Always. GOD. BLESS. Bye

  • @KrysMarie11
    @KrysMarie11 Месяц назад +6

    You really have some very meaningful messages. I resonate with them all of them. Thank you for taking the time and sharing your gift.

  • @Pulse_DNA
    @Pulse_DNA Месяц назад +1

    He IS the COLLECTOR. With a spreadsheet of lovers that he tallies and compares. And I was wondering for years why I was being pulled towards him as his actions are not at all attractive to me.

  • @LovesInfinateLight
    @LovesInfinateLight Месяц назад +5

    Thank you light for this message you and spirit is on point.

  • @Dominick2991
    @Dominick2991 Месяц назад +1

    We love you and may our Heavenly Father continue to grace you with insight and infinite love.

  • @Adam-vp1cl
    @Adam-vp1cl Месяц назад +5

    L I G H T
    You know we highly favoured
    And highly ranked in the spirit

    • @DanBanYamYanHarishan
      @DanBanYamYanHarishan Месяц назад +1

      you're right!! the higher, the greater responsebilities and the more you serve... namastay

  • @martianxavier
    @martianxavier Месяц назад +2

    I know how it feels because I’ve experienced all of it myself to the hands of evil people. Being in the background when you’re born to shine is the most painful feeling ever. 😢

  • @matthewcormier8744
    @matthewcormier8744 Месяц назад +6

    It's All Good light beautiful Day to be confident bold and flawlessly beautiful

    • @tromainesutton6226
      @tromainesutton6226 Месяц назад

      @@matthewcormier8744 all yours king y’all don’t have to hid it anymore (that should be a relief)🤯🤝😒😎🙏🏽✌🏾

  • @Raised_byKingz77
    @Raised_byKingz77 25 дней назад +2

    Yes your right* duality. It's okay to purge the soul it brings balance. The best part about everything we as humans got over our angels or demons is we are humble always before God the most high ❤

  • @Iam_benjifetch
    @Iam_benjifetch Месяц назад +7

    You said that!!!!! 🤍🤍🤍🤍

  • @AnthonyMorgan-b4c6s
    @AnthonyMorgan-b4c6s Месяц назад +1

    Nothingness is everything n I've been intergrading with most won't understand n I accepted that ukno what most people scared of n that's profound to me continue blowing light bulbs love peace and light